Bragging Rights II
September 16, 2006
Lots of time has gone by, O Best Beloveds, during this latest medical hoohah of mine, and life continues to be lived during, and so let’s just see what some of you have been up to lately….
- Arlene Wszalek is the coordinarting producer on “The US Vs. John Lennon,” which is out this very weekend, so do go see it. And don’t forget her next venture, another musical documentary, “Who Is Harry Nilsson (And Why Is Everybody Talkin’ About Him?)”
- Speaking of movies, “All The King’s Men” will be released shortly, with Ann Savoy as associate music producer. Ann also has a new album out with Linda Rondstadt (“Adieu False Heart”) and it’s stunningly beautiful. “King’s Men” is also a chance to see if Rob Florence‘s bit part as a reporter was left on the cutting room floor.
- Claire Cross, she of the hilarious memoir “Plus One,” and her beloved Colin Ryan finally sealed their epic romance by getting married on Sept 9. We can only hope she will write a book about this.
- Speaking of perfect, and no longer babies, my cousin Jessica is just about to start her freshman year at Loyola Marymount. Paula and Mark’s daughter Lili (alert long time Maladies readers will recall that during Cancer:The Return, Steve and I went to her bat mitzvah) is starting college in England, as is Katie’s son Oliver. And Yasmin, daughter of Jill and Charles, whose house, kitchen and life we raid every single visit to New Orleans, is off to begin her college life at Amherst, while her friends Becca (Georgetown), Caitlyn (Old Miss) and Rachel (LSU) are doing the same. There is entirely too much growing up represented in this paragraph.
- Speaking of growing, but in this case out, not up, Lisa Ritter will be opening up a bakery, Big Sugar Bakeshop at 12182 Ventura Boulevard in December, and not a moment too soon. Anyone who has heard Steve and I rave about her baked goods knows what a call for rejoicing this is. Meet you there and let’s toast life with a cupcake or ten, shall we?
- The talented and adorable and highly enjoyable Sioux Sandberg has five songs on the excellent new Gin Blossoms album, “Major Lodge Victory.”
- Perfect Linda Pitmon plays drums on the long-awaited third Golden Smog album (alt-country supergroup), “Another Fine Day.” Entertainment Weekly gave it an A minus.
- High school pal Debi Hoffmann’s son Christopher, who she clearly had when she was 12 (for we can’t be any more than in our thirties) heads off to a year at the University of Bristol.
Feel free to remind me of anything I’ve forgotten, and I will send out another of these, because I do so love talking about you all.
Ob la di, ob la da,