Quick Update Between Bites
April 24, 2009
O Best Beloveds, I’m so sorry, that was very wrong of me to send around this detailed potentially alarming email about the spinal tap and then never follow up with the results. We got them while I was having chemo last week, and they were totally NEGATIVE. As Rick has been gleefully chanting “There’s nothing in your brain!” and Diana sweetly following up “only straw.” So this is GOOD. Like, real good. Except for the part that they now have no idea why my left arm is so screwed up, I mean, I discovered that eating a couchon de lait on the go pretty much needs two fully working arms which apparently I don’t have and this just won’t do. Something’s got to be done about this sulky limb, but what? Chemo and occupational therapy, I guess. More to deal with when I get home, though I get chemo again almost as soon as I arrive, so the therapy may get put off again. Speaking of the chemo, I’m not sure precisely what I think about it; it seems rougher than what I’ve had recently, but even that gives a worse impression than what it really was. After all, when we popped into the office on the way to the airport, so I could have a blood boosting shot, Chemo Nurses Lisa and Leah, plus Dr. W, all exclaimed over how good I was looking. So clearly I did really well on the goop, relatively speaking, though it also worries me, because, given their expectations, is there some more ick coming down the road? Probably not; how you do on the first dose of something is usually how you will do henceforth, but there is a cumulative effect. Also, we still don’t know if my hair is going to fall out; that’ll be next week some time if it’s going to happen. I figure it’s going to, because I finally got it looking pretty good after two years. Anyway, I will have a better, fuller picture after the next round.
And now it’s back to Festing. And feasting.
Tonight, we are going to Cafe Adelaide and having blue crab poundcake with a Port Salut icing,